
  • Why is Food Always the Answer?

    Why is Food always the answer?

    I mean, it makes sense, when you think about it logically. Food is fuel, it’s calories. And calories are energy. And energy fuels, right? So logically, it makes sense. But in the day to day decisions and judgements we make about life, it seems that lately, regardless of the question, food is the answer.

    When you are from NY and spend your entire life surrounded by great food, it’s not a surprise that life revolves around it….when it’s raining, you order in Chinese. It’s just what you do. And, similar to Pavlov’s dog, now, even though I’ve been out of NY for over a decade, when it rains I still always crave Mu Shu Pork and Lo Mein. The good news about this is – I live in Phoenix where it hardly ever rains…which is great because they really don’t know how to make Chinese food out here. But, I will not judge.

    Moods can be changed, managed and enhanced by the right food. Arguments can be settled, milestones celebrated and families reunited with some great pasta and crusty bread. Broken legs and scraped knees can be mended by a creamy macaroni and cheese, and love can form over a plate of sashimi.

    But, I’m talking about more than this. I’m talking about performance. I’m talking about even at work, the answer is always food.

    For three years I had the great fortune to work at the United States Olympic Committee. I worked side by side with some of the world’s most elite athletes and their coaches. I watched as they conditioned their bodies, trained and practiced their sport with energy and determination. I learned that it was a package deal; that elite athletic performance came from a combination of the right balance of focus, preparation and recovery. And I don’t just mean physically.

    These athletes spend a significant amount of time setting goals – understanding exactly; to a second or a millimeter, what it will take to go for the gold. They think about the qualifying competitions and work backward from there. They create mini- steps, short term milestones that will lead to great success. This takes a huge amount of focus – both mentally and physically.

    The physical focus takes the form of energy management. When do they practice, train, and then recover? What do they eat that will drive this focus? How do they fuel their body, and their brain to take them to the next level? When do they rest? How do they recover? I learned that there is passive recovery – we laymen call that sleep. And there is active recovery – things like massage, meditation, visualization.

    The question becomes simple – why do we expect that we can demand elite performance out of ourselves and our teams – yet we don’t value the things that drive elite performance. “Wait a minute, you’re saying, “but I do value those things. I eat well, I sleep and I even workout sometimes…..” Yet, we don’t value it enough to see it as our obligation to those things and people we care the most about. Taking care of our body translates to understanding what your family needs from you – YOU. We don’t view exercise as something that will drive our energy and mood such that we perform better at work either. We never make the connection between how we eat and the success at the meeting we just had. And when we only get 3 hours sleep the night before we simply drink a lot of caffeine and complain to our colleagues.

    Elite athletes use food as fuel. I’ve seen them eat A LOT of food, and really enjoy it – but the good news for them is, they need that fuel to power them through their relentless practice to be the best in the world. They are also very careful about when they eat what…..

    But, here in Corporate America – we don’t really think much about that. We have “fast food”. We actually call it that – food that is fast, so we don’t need to think about it, we can just gobble it down regardless of what it might do to our performance. We have cafeterias – some of which are actually subsidized by the company for whom they serve, and yet they still don’t pay attention to how the food served there will fuel their employees. I don’t want anyone on my team eating meatloaf and mashed potatoes at lunchtime and then trying to come work at optimal performance levels – do you?

    I pay attention to what I eat. I eat clean – I really do. I eat a lot, admittedly, but I eat healthy food that is very nutritionally sound. I also own a gym. I work out A LOT. I love working out and I love being at my gym, so it makes it easier for me than for most. However, I’m gaining weight lately and I feel sluggish, and my clothes are not fitting right. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care as much about what the scale says as I do about how I feel. And I feel sluggish. “I can’t believe It”, I say to my trainers, “I workout so much!” “What are you eating?” is all they want to know.

    I’ve been going to yoga for over a year religiously. I love it. I’ve seen a huge change in my flexibility and balance and at 50 years old, that’s really important. Yoga challenges me, teaches me to be mindful and how to breathe to calm myself down. I love that. There is an advanced yoga workshop coming up in a few weeks. I don’t feel like I’m advanced yet, but after a year, I’m certainly better than where I started. So, I asked my yoga instructor if he thought I was ready for the advanced workshop. He mentioned a few poses and asked how easily I was able to do those. “Pretty well”, I explained – “but that big toe standing balance – I can’t get that one. I’ve been trying for a year and I can’t seem to progress”.

    Guess what he asked me? “What do you eat?” ARE YOU KIDDING??? I can’t do big toe standing balance because my eating is wrong?? “Do you eat meat and dairy?” he said. “Yes”, I said, “but I don’t eat fried foods, I limit my sugar and I eat tons of vegies”. He said “meat and dairy cause a lot of inflammation. You can’t do big toe standing balance with inflammation in your body”.

    My husband is a chef. He cooks delicious food; mostly healthy but still delicious. Going to great restaurants and having an amazing “foodie” dinner with a big, bold glass of red zinfandel is one of the top three joys in my life. Food plays a critical role in my life. Yet I’m a high performer in almost every area of my life and I strive for nothing less. I have high expectations and I’ll do whatever it takes to reach them. I’m never going to stop eating. I enjoy meat and dairy, more than I enjoy doing big toe standing balances, so I’m going to make that choice. I’m going to continue to go to great restaurants and eat great food when I want to – but it will be my choice and I’ll do it mindfully. I will never stop caring about what goes into my body and I’ll never stop taking care of it. It’s all I really have, and all my kids have. But there is balance, and there are choices.

    But fundamentally I guess, I still have to ask….why, oh why does it always come down to the food??

    Written by Alicia Mandel
    Check out her gym in Chandler!

  • Treadmill and elliptical for marathon training

    Marathon is definitely a challenging goal as it requires lots of hard work, stamina and will power. Pattern for marathon training differs from person to person and depends on lots of factor like energy, goal, stamina, time available and others. Since marathon training involves lots and lots of running, majority of people prefer running outdoors. But in case if outdoor running or exercising is not possible due to weather conditions or other reasons then treadmill and elliptical workout also proves to be a good option. Running indoors on treadmill and improving cardiovascular activity on elliptical will surely help you with your marathon training. Below given is more information as to how treadmill and elliptical can be used for marathon training.

    Use of treadmill for marathon training:

    Besides being one of the best alternatives to outdoor running, treadmill is a good choice for marathon training as it helps you to focus on the form of your running which is not possible outdoors.  Since running on treadmill does not offer diversification of muscle response like the one we get while running on different trails, the best way to make most of the workout is by increasing the incline. Moreover there are many treadmill workouts like tempo training, hill training and others that improve the marathon training.  Lack of variety and controlled environment may be few issues associated with treadmill marathon training but there is a decent list of benefits associated as well and some of the major ones are given below.

    • Offer training in safe and convenient environment
    • Offers consistent pace for tempo and intervals
    • Helps to focus on form and heart rate control
    • There are various machines like horizon treadmill that comes with media option to keep your training sessions enjoyable.


    Use of elliptical for marathon training:

    Besides running, marathon training also involves lots of stamina, power, speed and toning of muscles and it is in these areas where role of elliptical machines can be considered.  Moreover elliptical machines also helps with running and that too without putting too much stress on your knee and joints. Thus it can be summarized that elliptical machines helps you to prepare for the race and also helps to prevent injuries during and after the race.  Regular use of elliptical enables you to add variety to your muscles and thus prevent their wear and tear. Moreover the weak muscles can be worked out over a period of time.  By changing the resistance and incline of your elliptical machine you can make your workout more challenging and thus further improve your cardiovascular and muscle activities. Elliptical machine also helps you to have better posture while running and thus the muscles of the stomach and back are trained so as to have strong and tall posture which is definitely a plus point for marathon training.  Majority of the elliptical machine these days have option of adjustable stride length which gives you the freedom to practice and maximize the length.  Thus it is advisable to check fitness equipment source so that you get a machine as per your requirement.


  • Weight Scales Scam’s and Lies…

    Weight Scales Scam’s and Lies…

    Discover the SCAM or Lies that Can be ruining your Day, week, or Life by weighing yourself.

    I promise by watching this video you will learn why it may not be as valuable as a measure to use a scale.

    You love it when you know your weight is down and You hate it when your weight is up.

    Discover Why this is what you should be doing and how the Scale could by lying to you and sabotage your success.

    Watch Now:

    Hope you enjoyed the video please like and comment below.

    P.S. If you need help Looking Sexier in Clothes Give us a Call Today!

  • Nutritional Cheat Sheet

     Here is Personal Power Training’s Nutritional Cheat Sheet. Follow these rules and you are guaranteed SUCCESS!


    My Gift To You!

    Want to learn more ways to look and feel better? I want to share with you 7 FREE articles as my gift to you. Want to know the “3 Must Do Exercises” that will get you into shape fast? How about “10 Meals In 10 Minutes.” Enter your name and email address and I will send you these articles ASAP

    privacy We value your privacy and would never spam you

  • Eat more Veggies!

    Eat more Veggies!

    Did you know if you ate more veggies you would have:

    1. Stronger Bones
    2. Healthier Skin
    3. More muscles (well if you exercise)Love veggies
    4. Clearer Mind
    5. Reduced Inflammation which would give you less pain, aches, etc.
    6. Stronger Body, Mind,
    7. More Stamina
    8. Faster Recovery
    9. Younger More Youthful Body
    10. Improves weight loss
    11. Better Digestion
    12. and the list goes on..
    • Do you consume enough vegetables in one day? Your goal should be 1 serving every meal and if your following the correct meal plan that’s at least 6 servings of veggies a day.
    • Vegetables is the number 1 food you should consume. They have the most amount of nourishment with providing the least amount of calories. Home run food!
    • Wow that sounds like a lot, though it’s not necessary easy to do what’s right. Follow the righteous path and you will always end up where you want to go.
      Love yourself more and EAT MORE VEGGIES!
  • Save Money and Time with Amazon’s secret shopping trick

    I have discovered a way to simplify my life and to save a some serious cash every single day.
    We all need to purchase the basic household products and I used to find it a pain to have to go to the grocery store and run errands. It’s also horrible when you run out of toilette paper or any other necessity at not a great moment. This trick I discovered saves money and time and the products you order come straight to your door step.
    Ok here’s the big trick. Well it’s not that big though it’s a true time and money saver.  I’m already saving close to $80 big ones each month. That’s a $960 a year savings. Not to mention my favorite thing is everything get’s delivered to my door when I need it.  Saved a ton of hassle out of my life.

    Amazon Prime and setting up a Amazon’s Subscription Service for all my basic ongoing household necessities.

    Here’s what you need to do: Go to your amazon account and setup a Amazon Prime account to get faster and free shipping then go to:

    Account: Drop down: Subscribe and Save:

    Now click: Shop and Subscribe:

    Here are just a few of the necessities I put on my list that have saved me tons of time because they get delivered to my door on the set times and then it saves me a decent amount of money setting it up as a subscription.

    Toilette paper:

    Paper Towels:

    Trash Bags:

    Body Wash:

    Laundry Detergent:


    These are just a few here’s even more household products:

    Click Here

    Diapers: (I have little ones :))

    Baby Wipes:

    Pet Supplies

    Cooking and Grocery Products

    Personal Care: Tooth Brushes, Floss, Shaving Cream, Lotion, etc..

  • #1 Secret to Weight Loss

    Everyone always ask me. What’s the secret to weight loss?

    How can I lose fat fast, effectively, and do it FAST!!!

    It’s simple and easy and I figured I should share this information with you ASAP…

    Here’s a video that goes over the details: Watch Now:

    Don’t fool yourself in thinking you can do this on your own. Because let’s face it if you could you would be thin. I know truth hurts…

    The #1 Secret is a simple concept though you must be sure to have the right plan.

    I know so many of us including myself have tried plans that gave 0 results or actually left us gaining more weight then we lost and originally had.

    I see this too often.

    If you want to order our basic plan that will give you a head start in changing your life forever then click this offer where you can get this plan that we charge $49 for a big whopping $7 dollars.

    Just click the buy now button below and get the plan that lays out all the details to make it easy and simple to lose weight. You must follow it because it won’t work for anyone who isn’t serious about losing weight and following the plan that works 100% of the time.

    7dollar nutrition plan

     Hope you enjoyed the video and if you want more information please join our newsletter list.

    Best, Scott White

  • Cable Alternating Seated Front Raise

    Cable Alternating Seated Front Raise

    The Shoulders
    The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints.The shoulder is a advanced combination of bones and joints that provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body. 


    Functions of Shoulder:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise. 

    Importance of shoulder exercises:
    Shoulder exercises are a great approach to preparing and introducing your body to your normal physical program. Your shoulder is often viewed as one “muscle” or “unit” however, the shoulder, in it’s entirety is comprised of multiple components. The rotator cuff muscles, the rear deltoids, the front deltoids and middle deltoids. Most shoulder workouts do not specifically target each area of the shoulder. Thus, your best option is to use a variety of exercises to work each individual muscle that comprises the shoulder.


    Cable Alternating Seated Front Raise

    • Sit on seat above twin cable pulleys.
    • Grasp stirrups on each side.
    • Sit upright with arms straight down to each side with palms facing back.
    • Raise one stirrup forward and upward until upper arm is well above horizontal.
    • Lower and repeat with opposite arm.
    • Continue by alternating raises between sides.

    Tips for shoulder Exercise:
    • Before you begin a shoulder exercise program, talk over with your medical professional, particularly if you’ve had a shoulder accident or a history of shoulder issues.
    • Keep in mind that the shoulders or deltoids, are created from three distinct “heads”, the anterior (front), the medial (side) and therefore the posterior (rear). Once you train your shoulders, make sure to train every individual “head”, since all 3 conjure the summation of correct shoulder development. This is often very necessary if you contend as a result of the thickness and development of all 3 heads are instrumental in your motility routines. The shoulders should show definition and striations in spite of the movement you create.
    • Fatigue the muscles of the shoulders throughout training. Training the shoulders should be brutal. If you wish to examine growth and definition quickly, train your shoulder muscles till they feel as if “they may fall off”. To fatigue these muscles, concentrate on movements, like Lateral Raises.
    • When executing Lateral Raises, make sure to train to the front, sides and rear. This will be troublesome if you’ve already exhausted the shoulders in a previous exercise.
    • Do five repetitions for every exercise unless your trainer has requested a distinct variety of repetitions.

  • Cable Alternating Front Raise

    Cable Alternating Front Raise

    What is Shoulders
    The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints.The shoulder is a advanced combination of bones and joints that provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body.


    Function of Shoulders:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise.

    Importance of shoulder exercises:
    Shoulder exercises are a great approach to preparing and introducing your body to your normal physical program. Your shoulder is often viewed as one “muscle” or “unit” however, the shoulder, in it’s entirety is comprised of multiple components. The rotator cuff muscles, the rear deltoids, the front deltoids and middle deltoids. Most shoulder workouts do not specifically target each area of the shoulder. Thus, your best option is to use a variety of exercises to work each individual muscle that comprises the shoulder.

    Cable Alternating Front Raise

    • Stand with low double pulleys behind.
    • Grasp stirrup attachments, one in each hand.
    • Stand away from pulley slightly with arms back somewhat at side and elbows straight or slightly bent.
    • Raise one stirrup forward and upward until upper arm is well above horizontal.
    • Lower and repeat with opposite arm alternating between arms.

    Tips for shoulder Exercise:
    • Before you begin a shoulder exercise program, talk over with your medical professional, particularly if you’ve had a shoulder accident or a history of shoulder issues.
    • Keep in mind that the shoulders or deltoids, are created from three distinct “heads”, the anterior (front), the medial (side) and therefore the posterior (rear). Once you train your shoulders, make sure to train every individual “head”, since all 3 conjure the summation of correct shoulder development. This is often very necessary if you contend as a result of the thickness and development of all 3 heads are instrumental in your motility routines. The shoulders should show definition and striations in spite of the movement you create.
    • Fatigue the muscles of the shoulders throughout training. Training the shoulders should be brutal. If you wish to examine growth and definition quickly, train your shoulder muscles till they feel as if “they may fall off”. To fatigue these muscles, concentrate on movements, like Lateral Raises.
    • When executing Lateral Raises, make sure to train to the front, sides and rear. This will be troublesome if you’ve already exhausted the shoulders in a previous exercise.
    • Do five repetitions for every exercise unless your trainer has requested a distinct variety of repetitions.

  • Cable Seated Front Raise

    Cable Seated Front Raise

    The Shoulders
    The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints.The shoulder is a advanced combination of bones and joints that provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body.

    Function of Shoulders:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise.

    Importance of shoulder exercises:
    Shoulder exercises are a great approach to preparing and introducing your body to your normal physical program. Your shoulder is often viewed as one “muscle” or “unit” however, the shoulder, in it’s entirety is comprised of multiple components. The rotator cuff muscles, the rear deltoids, the front deltoids and middle deltoids. Most shoulder workouts do not specifically target each area of the shoulder. Thus, your best option is to use a variety of exercises to work each individual muscle that comprises the shoulder.

    Cable Seated Front Raise

    Cable Seated Front Raise

    • Sit on seat above twin cable pulleys.
    • Grasp stirrups on each side.
    • Sit upright with arms straight down to each side with palms facing back.
    • Raise stirrups forward and upward until upper arms are well above horizontal.
    • Lower and repeat.

    Tips for shoulder Exercise:
    • Before you begin a shoulder exercise program, talk over with your medical professional, particularly if you’ve had a shoulder accident or a history of shoulder issues.
    • Keep in mind that the shoulders or deltoids, are created from three distinct “heads”, the anterior (front), the medial (side) and therefore the posterior (rear). Once you train your shoulders, make sure to train every individual “head”, since all 3 conjure the summation of correct shoulder development. This is often very necessary if you contend as a result of the thickness and development of all 3 heads are instrumental in your motility routines. The shoulders should show definition and striations in spite of the movement you create.
    • Fatigue the muscles of the shoulders throughout training. Training the shoulders should be brutal. If you wish to examine growth and definition quickly, train your shoulder muscles till they feel as if “they may fall off”. To fatigue these muscles, concentrate on movements, like Lateral Raises.
    • When executing Lateral Raises, make sure to train to the front, sides and rear. This will be troublesome if you’ve already exhausted the shoulders in a previous exercise.
    • Do five repetitions for every exercise unless your trainer has requested a distinct variety of repetitions.

  • Cable Bar Shoulder Press

    Cable Bar Shoulder Press

    The Shoulders
    The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints.The shoulder is a advanced combination of bones and joints that provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body.


    Functions of Shoulder:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise.

    Importance of shoulder exercises:
    Shoulder exercises are a great approach to preparing and introducing your body to your normal physical program. Your shoulder is often viewed as one “muscle” or “unit” however, the shoulder, in it’s entirety is comprised of multiple components. The rotator cuff muscles, the rear deltoids, the front deltoids and middle deltoids. Most shoulder workouts do not specifically target each area of the shoulder. Thus, your best option is to use a variety of exercises to work each individual muscle that comprises the shoulder.

    Cable Bar Shoulder Press

    • Stand facing cable bar, mounted on each side to upper waist height narrow double pulley cables.
    • Grasp cable bar with wide over hand grip and position upper chest height.
    • Stand directly between both cable pulleys with one foot forward and other foot back.
    • Press cable bar upward until arms are extended overhead.
    • Return to upper chest and repeat.

    Tips for shoulder Exercise:
    • Before you begin a shoulder exercise program, talk over with your medical professional, particularly if you’ve had a shoulder accident or a history of shoulder issues.
    • Keep in mind that the shoulders or deltoids, are created from three distinct “heads”, the anterior (front), the medial (side) and therefore the posterior (rear). Once you train your shoulders, make sure to train every individual “head”, since all 3 conjure the summation of correct shoulder development. This is often very necessary if you contend as a result of the thickness and development of all 3 heads are instrumental in your motility routines. The shoulders should show definition and striations in spite of the movement you create.
    • Fatigue the muscles of the shoulders throughout training. Training the shoulders should be brutal. If you wish to examine growth and definition quickly, train your shoulder muscles till they feel as if “they may fall off”. To fatigue these muscles, concentrate on movements, like Lateral Raises.
    • When executing Lateral Raises, make sure to train to the front, sides and rear. This will be troublesome if you’ve already exhausted the shoulders in a previous exercise.
    • Do five repetitions for every exercise unless your trainer has requested a distinct variety of repetitions.

  • Cable Bar Military Press

    Cable Bar Military Press

    The Shoulders
    The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints.The shoulder is a advanced combination of bones and joints that provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body.

    Functions of Shoulder:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise.

    Functions of Shoulder:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise.

    Cable Bar Military Press (Movement shown with barbell) 

    • Stand facing cable bar, mounted on each side to upper waist height narrow double pulley cables.
    • Grasp cable bar with over hand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width.
    • Position cable bar upper chest height.
    • Stand directly between both cable pulleys with one foot forward and other foot back.
    • Press cable bar upward until arms are extended overhead.
    • Return to upper chest and repeat.

    Tips for shoulder Exercise:
    • Before you begin a shoulder exercise program, talk over with your medical professional, particularly if you’ve had a shoulder accident or a history of shoulder issues.
    • Keep in mind that the shoulders or deltoids, are created from three distinct “heads”, the anterior (front), the medial (side) and therefore the posterior (rear). Once you train your shoulders, make sure to train every individual “head”, since all 3 conjure the summation of correct shoulder development. This is often very necessary if you contend as a result of the thickness and development of all 3 heads are instrumental in your motility routines. The shoulders should show definition and striations in spite of the movement you create.
    • Fatigue the muscles of the shoulders throughout training. Training the shoulders should be brutal. If you wish to examine growth and definition quickly, train your shoulder muscles till they feel as if “they may fall off”. To fatigue these muscles, concentrate on movements, like Lateral Raises.
    • When executing Lateral Raises, make sure to train to the front, sides and rear. This will be troublesome if you’ve already exhausted the shoulders in a previous exercise.
    • Do five repetitions for every exercise unless your trainer has requested a distinct variety of repetitions.

  • Cable Bar Behind Neck Press

    Cable Bar Behind Neck Press

    The Shoulders
    The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints.The shoulder is a advanced combination of bones and joints that provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body.

    Functions of Shoulder:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise.

    Importance of shoulder exercises:
    Shoulder exercises are a great approach to preparing and introducing your body to your normal physical program. Your shoulder is often viewed as one “muscle” or “unit” however, the shoulder, in it’s entirety is comprised of multiple components. The rotator cuff muscles, the rear deltoids, the front deltoids and middle deltoids. Most shoulder workouts do not specifically target each area of the shoulder. Thus, your best option is to use a variety of exercises to work each individual muscle that comprises the shoulder.

    Cable Bar Behind Neck Press

    • Stand facing cable bar, mounted on each side to upper waist height narrow double pulley cables.
    • Grasp cable bar with wide over hand grip upper chest height.
    • Stand directly between both cable pulleys with one foot forward and other foot back.
    • Push cable bar over head and position cable bar behind neck or rest on shoulders.
    • Press cable bar upward until arms are extended overhead.
    • Return behind neck and repeat.

    Tips for shoulder Exercise:
    • Before you begin a shoulder exercise program, talk over with your medical professional, particularly if you’ve had a shoulder accident or a history of shoulder issues.
    • Keep in mind that the shoulders or deltoids, are created from three distinct “heads”, the anterior (front), the medial (side) and therefore the posterior (rear). Once you train your shoulders, make sure to train every individual “head”, since all 3 conjure the summation of correct shoulder development. This is often very necessary if you contend as a result of the thickness and development of all 3 heads are instrumental in your motility routines. The shoulders should show definition and striations in spite of the movement you create.
    • Fatigue the muscles of the shoulders throughout training. Training the shoulders should be brutal. If you wish to examine growth and definition quickly, train your shoulder muscles till they feel as if “they may fall off”. To fatigue these muscles, concentrate on movements, like Lateral Raises.
    • When executing Lateral Raises, make sure to train to the front, sides and rear. This will be troublesome if you’ve already exhausted the shoulders in a previous exercise.
    • Do five repetitions for every exercise unless your trainer has requested a distinct variety of repetitions.

  • Barbell Shoulder Press

    The Shoulders
    The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints.The shoulder is a advanced combination of bones and joints that provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body.


    Functions of Shoulder:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise.

    Importance of shoulder exercises:
    Shoulder exercises are a great approach to preparing and introducing your body to your normal physical program. Your shoulder is often viewed as one “muscle” or “unit” however, the shoulder, in it’s entirety is comprised of multiple components. The rotator cuff muscles, the rear deltoids, the front deltoids and middle deltoids. Most shoulder workouts do not specifically target each area of the shoulder. Thus, your best option is to use a variety of exercises to work each individual muscle that comprises the shoulder.

    Barbell Shoulder Press

    Barbell Shoulder Press

    • Grasp barbell with slightly wider than shoulder width overhand grip from rack.
    • Position bar near upper chest.
    • Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead.
    • Return to upper chest and repeat.

    Tips for shoulder Exercise:
    • Before you begin a shoulder exercise program, talk over with your medical professional, particularly if you’ve had a shoulder accident or a history of shoulder issues.
    • Keep in mind that the shoulders or deltoids, are created from three distinct “heads”, the anterior (front), the medial (side) and therefore the posterior (rear). Once you train your shoulders, make sure to train every individual “head”, since all 3 conjure the summation of correct shoulder development. This is often very necessary if you contend as a result of the thickness and development of all 3 heads are instrumental in your motility routines. The shoulders should show definition and striations in spite of the movement you create.
    • Fatigue the muscles of the shoulders throughout training. Training the shoulders should be brutal. If you wish to examine growth and definition quickly, train your shoulder muscles till they feel as if “they may fall off”. To fatigue these muscles, concentrate on movements, like Lateral Raises.
    • When executing Lateral Raises, make sure to train to the front, sides and rear. This will be troublesome if you’ve already exhausted the shoulders in a previous exercise.
    • Do five repetitions for every exercise unless your trainer has requested a distinct variety of repetitions.

  • Barbell Seated Military Press

    Barbell Seated Military Press

    The Shoulders
    The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints.The shoulder is a advanced combination of bones and joints that provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body.


    Functions of Shoulder:
    The shoulder is the most mobile and versatile joint within the human body. We rely upon our shoulders to help us with both basic and complex movements numerous times throughout the day. Shoulder pain is often among of the most common as well as most frustrating issues for patients. There’s a fine balance between quality and stability within the shoulder that enables us freedom of movement throughout our entire lives, with a smallest quantity of pain and issues. Though, there are several reasons why this fine balance is often upset. The various causes of  many shoulder issues can easily be prevented through proper stretching and exercise.

    Importance of shoulder exercises:
    Shoulder exercises are a great approach to preparing and introducing your body to your normal physical program. Your shoulder is often viewed as one “muscle” or “unit” however, the shoulder, in it’s entirety is comprised of multiple components. The rotator cuff muscles, the rear deltoids, the front deltoids and middle deltoids. Most shoulder workouts do not specifically target each area of the shoulder. Thus, your best option is to use a variety of exercises to work each individual muscle that comprises the shoulder.

    Barbell Seated Military Press

    Barbell Seated Military Press

    • Grasp barbell with slightly wider than shoulder width overhand grip from rack.
    • Position bar near upper chest.
    • Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead.
    • Return to upper chest and repeat.

    Tips for shoulder Exercise:
    • Before you begin a shoulder exercise program, talk over with your medical professional, particularly if you’ve had a shoulder accident or a history of shoulder issues.
    • Keep in mind that the shoulders or deltoids, are created from three distinct “heads”, the anterior (front), the medial (side) and therefore the posterior (rear). Once you train your shoulders, make sure to train every individual “head”, since all 3 conjure the summation of correct shoulder development. This is often very necessary if you contend as a result of the thickness and development of all 3 heads are instrumental in your motility routines. The shoulders should show definition and striations in spite of the movement you create.
    • Fatigue the muscles of the shoulders throughout training. Training the shoulders should be brutal. If you wish to examine growth and definition quickly, train your shoulder muscles till they feel as if “they may fall off”. To fatigue these muscles, concentrate on movements, like Lateral Raises.
    • When executing Lateral Raises, make sure to train to the front, sides and rear. This will be troublesome if you’ve already exhausted the shoulders in a previous exercise.
    • Do five repetitions for every exercise unless your tending supplier has requested a distinct variety of repetitions.